
Dear employee,

It is becoming more and more important to strengthen team spirit by understanding the concerns, needs and sensitivities of employees so that they will be begin to identify with their job and the company through targeted measures.

Please complete the following survey honestly. The survey is anonymous.

We sincerely appreciate your participation.

HR Department


Age group

Working hours

What area and department are you currently assigned to?

How would you rate the leadership skills of your manager?

How well do you understand your department's goals?

How would you rate your continuing education options?

How would you rate corporate communication? Do you receive all the information you need to do your work?

How would you rate your ability to improve existing procedures for your job?

How would you rate the commitment of your department to customer satisfaction?

How would you rate the social commitment and responsibility of your company?

How would you rate your knowledge of the company's results, performance and profits?

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